Praise God! His Word encourages me each day with the promise of what He does for me. He loves me, in spite of my deceitful, selfish ways.
As we celebrate Valentine's Day next week, let's remember to Whom our heart really belongs!
My sister Jana has moved to Pampa, TX. Mom, Sharla and I have invited ourselves down for another girl's weekend. Last year's event was at my house, but this year, it's just the "old girls". After LA graduates in June, I'd like to gather all the girls at our house again.
Jana has plans for us to antique, go to a tea room, and shop. We're heading over to Amarillo for a day, and I think there's mention of a movie or two.
I'm so excited. I told my sisters and Mom that we will make plans for the next gathering each time we meet. If we don't, it will never happen.
I cherish my sisters; I wish I lived closer to them. I miss Mom every day......
Praise God for families who love you anyway, no matter how weird you are.(Yes, I know this is terrible grammar, but still!)
So, while I don't like ice, there are many advantages to this season.
I thank God for a warm fire, a great book and no particular place to go!
Hey, also, I've gotten on Facebook. It's really fun, so come join me. Lots of techno going on here....
Next week: healthy recipes.
For Christmas, one of my favorites is this herb garden. LA knows how I love to use fresh herbs, so she gave me this:
The set included seeds for: lemon basil (yum!), Italian parsley and marjoram. I'm excited to watch the herbs grow. It's so cold and brown outside, it's great to have something green and growing on the inside.
The real challenge will be keeping them alive until harvest time. I'll post periodic pics to see how things are growing.
Thanks, kid!
Remember to pray for our country and our new president. He will needs the prayers of God's people.
I don't remember where I found either of these pieces, but I love the different mottling on them. Great!
The pot on the left that's upside down came from my grandmother. She didn't collect anything, she just had it lying around, and I wanted it! She probably used it for washing dishes, or something. Anyway, it's special since it came from her.
Grandma was a real hoot. I don't think she was even 5 foot tall, but she could cook like something you've never seen. Jana says she turned the heat up and cooked everything on high. She had 10 kids - one every 2 years. She made the very best noodles I've ever tasted! Gosh.......She always had a German chocolate cake on her kitchen table, too.! Wow!
I move my stuff around all the time, but I always keep this group out, because it reminds me of great times with Mom & Dad and my Grandma Headrick.
This is what I'll recommend for all convicted offenders!
Seriously, it's important to serve. Don't try to get out of service, no matter how inconvenient, or distasteful. If all of us did, who would be left to serve? I don't think we want the criminals to be the only jurors!
I've served several times, and it's interesting, if nothing else.
TU plays Ball State tomorrow night in the GMAC Bowl. We decided not to go, since Ace needs to work this week. We'll be watching the game, and rooting on the kids.
LA begins her next-to-last term in grad school today. I see Chicago's temp is about 20 degrees. Nice......
AA is skiing today in Breckenridge. The kids have a big group, stay together in a great condo, and ski for 4 days or so.
Now that all the Christmas stuff is put away, I find myself at loose ends. Not a bad feeling, but I need to get a great book to read!
I've been called for jury duty next week. I get called often, it seems. I must be really good at it?.....
My souvenir from London's National Museum, I'd broken it; knocked it off the kitchen counter. I loved it! I'd tried to replace it and had looked everywhere online, but no luck.
On Christmas morning, I opened this from Ace, my sweet husband:
He'd ordered it from London; it's not Van Gogh's Sunflowers, but he remembered I love the Monet pond paintings we've seen. Wasn't that thoughtful? I love it, and now I have another great memory associated with my cup.
I still can't bring myself to throw away the other cup - I'm crazy, right?
Hope your Christmas was fun and safe.
I pray 2009 will bring you all blessings and God's wisdom and grace.