While Ace was interviewing for his job here some 30 or so years ago, I came along to see what this place was like. After his discussion with the potential boss, said boss gave us a tour of the 'ville to show us what was available in housing. We wanted to get a feel of the place, so to speak.
We drove by parks, golf courses, housing additions, shopping centers, etc. We were driving along, and I saw an open field-type place, with trees and flowers. I said, "Oh, is this another golf course?" Ace turned around and looked at me like I was a crazy person. (The wife must sit in the back; that's my excuse...the view was bad from there)
His boss-to-be said, no, this is a cemetery!
I wanted to die!~(oops, that was an unintended pun, there...!)
I kept my mouth shut for the rest of the tour.
Not to worry, tho, Ace got the job, in spite of his loving, demented wife.

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