Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Wish I'd Done That: While cooking, make two. If you are making chicken tetrazzini, just make an extra one and freeze it for a day you are too busy to cook. If you have casseroles in the freezer, you are always ready to minister to someone who needs love and care. It's marvelous for your children to see you ministering to God's children. Nothing feels better after a busy day than to know dinner is already finished!

As my bio says, my kids have escaped home to continue their lives and education. Here they are with "Nanni", my mom. Mom is the most creative person I know. She is never bored (I get in trouble if I ever say that word), and she's always making something. My girl is just like her. The two of them discovered a quilt shop/fabric store in a small town north of here, and spent the whole afternoon there planning projects and looking at fabric. When I go there, I like to look for 5 minutes, and then I find a chair to wait for them.

My son is also like his Nanni. (Not the fabric store, you nut!) While a girl in school, Mom was the fastest, most athletic kid in town. The Razorback kid is like her, and has enjoyed sports all his life. He also has Mom's easy way with people.

Mom has a great relationship with my kids, and since my dad has died, this is so important to both my kids and to me. She always knows the right things to say, and loves them unconditionally. I've always felt sorry for my kids that they didn't get to grow up around either set of their grandparents.

If God has blessed you to be able to be near your parents, get together often to build those memories and traditions. Time is short.

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