Wish I'd Done That: My great friend, Marcia, had 5 children. Her marvelous tip was to buy shoes with velcro closers, rather than ones with shoe strings. When the child learns to tie shoes, then buy them ones with shoestrings! Brilliant. Think of all the time you'll save by having your kids take care of their own shoes. Now if they can just find those shoes.......
The picture on the right is one of my favorites. Laura saw a picture of a flower similar to this one, and just loved the color and vibrance of it. She painted the flower on the black and then added the Scripture. To be still - very difficult in our busy lives. I encourage you to meditate on His Word and take this to heart. No matter what, your strength, peace and all around success comes only from Him. Be still........

Since I'm a Kansas girl, I love this picture! I'll try to get Laura to paint one of these!
Of course I love the sunflowers...what Kansas girl wouldn't? My grandmother LOVES sunflowers and used to paint, so she has several paintings of the flower.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Beautiful sunflowers !
We're soon going to be hitting the shoe lace tying stage. I think my daughter is now in the biggest shoe with velcroe.
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